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‘The Village’ Shopping Centre



SW19 Pty Ltd were engaged by private investment consortium to undertake a full technical due diligence inspection on a shopping centre on behalf of the potential new owners. The intention of the project was to highlight any major issues with the existing site and assets, and provide lifecycle costs over a 10 year period.

SW19 were engaged at short notice following the termination of contract for another consultancy, with the report required within the week. The inspection covered the exterior of the site, along with the common areas and assets which come under the responsibility of the landlord. Specific attention was paid to the fire services (against current standards), and building structure due to the proximity to a brook and reported ongoing drainage issues.

The inspection identified a number of elements requiring works, such as the roof covering and external façade.  

The reporting format provided to the client was simple in nature, identifying cost and cost type on an annual basis, combined with a risk assessment linked to the works. All cost elements were identified individually, but also combined into ‘project packages’ to give the client a realistic overview of the site.