Olympus Digital Camera

Watercorp Depots Statewide



SW19 Pty Ltd were engaged by Watercorp to provide a 30 year Capital Expenditure Plan on 89 Watercorp depots and offices throughout Western Australia. The properties varied in size from small regional depots of size 80m2, through to major sites with 30 buildings.

The scope of works required SW19 to use an electronic data collection system, with the client requiring the outputs in MS Excel. The report enabled the client to interrogate and modify the database, with a specific requirement being the ability to group the sites and generate reports on a regional basis.

The scope of the inspections was to provide a 30 year capital maintenance plan for the properties. Investigations were undertaken into the potential for sale or redevelopment of specific sites, with the estimated effective life of the sites evaluated. All works were priced and prioritised using the clients rating systems, with regional cost variances included, linked to CPI.

Asset registers were produced, with details of make, model, age, refrigerant gas, and installation date recorded, with all assets photographed. Maintenance records were also checked to assist in evaluating the remaining life of the asset.

The hazardous materials registers for the sites were incomplete and the reporting formats varied. SW19 provided updated hazardous materials registers, in a uniform format for all sites.